Material Admin
Form Mask
Basic Form With Formatter Js
Formatter Format user input to match a specified pattern.
'pattern': '{{9999}}-{{99}}-{{99}}',
Basic Form With Mask Js
Basic usage
When initializing a typeahead, you pass the plugin method one or more datasets. The source of a dataset is responsible for computing a set of suggestions for a given query.
Suggestion Engine - For more advanced use cases, rather than implementing the source for your dataset yourself, you can take advantage of Bloodhound, the typeahead.js suggestion engine.
Prefetched data is fetched and processed on initialization. If the browser supports local storage, the processed data will be cached there to prevent additional network requests.
Default Suggestions
Default suggestions can be shown for empty queries by setting the minLength option to 0 and having the source return suggestions for empty queries.
Multiple Datasets
Use multiple datasets like this
Scrollable Dropdown Menu
You can use scrollable drowdown