Material Admin
Materialize provides an easy way for you to send unobtrusive alerts to your users through toasts. These toasts are also placed and sized responsively, try it out by clicking the button below on different device sizes.
To do this, call the M.toast() function programatically in JavaScript.
M.toast({html: 'I am a toast!'})
One way to add this into your application is to add this as an onclick event to a button.
<a onclick="M.toast({html: 'I am a toast'})" class="btn">Toast!</a>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
html | String | '' | The HTML content of the Toast. |
displayLength | Number | 4000 | Length in ms the Toast stays before dismissal. |
inDuration | Number | 300 | Transition in duration in milliseconds. |
outDuration | Number | 375 | Transition out duration in milliseconds. |
classes | String | '' | Classes to be added to the toast element. |
completeCallback | Function | null | Callback function called when toast is dismissed. |
activationPercent | Number | 0.8 | The percentage of the toast's width it takes for a drag to dismiss a Toast. |
Name | Type | Description |
el | Element | The toast element. |
options | Object | The options the instance was initialized with. |
panning | Boolean | Describes the current pan state of the Toast. |
timeRemaining | Number | The remaining amount of time in ms that the toast will stay before dismissal. |
Custom HTML
You can pass in an HTML String as the first argument as well. Take a look at the example below, where we pass in text as well as a flat button. If you call an external function instead of in-line JavaScript, you will not need to escape quotation marks.
Toast with Action
var toastHTML = '<span>I am toast content</span><button class="btn-flat toast-action">Undo</button>';
M.toast({html: toastHTML});
You can have the toast callback a function when it has been dismissed.
<a class="btn" onclick="M.toast({html: 'I am a toast', completeCallback: function(){alert('Your toast was dismissed')}})">Toast!</a>
Styling Toasts
We've added the ability to customize your toasts easily. You can pass in classes as an optional parameter into the toast function. We've added a rounded class for you, but you can create your own CSS classes and apply them to toasts. Checkout out our full example below.
Round Toast!
// 'rounded' is the class I'm applying to the toast
M.toast({html: 'I am a toast!', classes: 'rounded'});
Dismiss a Toast Programatically
To remove a specific toast using JavaScript, access the M_Toast
toast HTML element and call the dismiss function
// Get toast DOM Element, get instance, then call dismiss function
var toastElement = document.querySelector('.toast');
var toastInstance = M.Toast.getInstance(toastElement);
Dismiss all Toasts