Basic examples
Different multiselect optionsBasic examples
Advanced usage
Sizing options
Width and height sizingWidth sizing
Height sizing
Advanced examples
More complex multiselect examplesFurther examples
Single select
When using the plugin for single selections (without the multiple
attribute), the first option will automatically be selected if no other option is selected in advance.
Clickable optgroups
If enableClickableOptGroups
option is set to true
, optgroup's will be clickable, allowing to easily select multiple options belonging to the same group.
Disable if no options are given
Set disableIfEmpty
option to true
to disable select if it has no options. Useful in chained selects or select with dynamic data.
Showing values
Use "Select" and "Deselect" buttons to select or deselect cheese and tomatoes. Display selected or deselected options by using $('.multiselect').val()
Order options
Record the order the options are selected. When selecting an item an ordering number will be incremented and saved within the option.
Simulate selections
Simulate single selections using checkboxes. The behavior will be similar to a multiselect with radio buttons.
Close dropdown automatically
Close dropdown after 3 selections automatically.
Reset button
Using a reset button together with a multiselect. Select options then click Reset button to reset selections.
Multiselect templates
The templates can be overriden using the templates
configuration option. The example below uses a red
border color for dividers.
Multiselect methods
Toggle selection
Use the button to toggle the selection. Don't forget to include $.uniform.update();
to update checkboxes or radios state dynamically.
Destroy method
This method is used to destroy the plugin on the given element - meaning unbinding the plugin.
Refresh method
This method is used to refresh the checked checkboxes based on the currently selected options within the select. Click 'Select', then click refresh. The plugin will update the checkboxes.
Rebuild method
Rebuilds the whole dropdown menu. All selected options will remain selected (if still existent!). Click Add button and then click Rebuild button, open dropdown and you'll notice new options added to the bottom of the list.
Select method
Selects an option by its value (which has to be given as string). Works also using an array of values.
Deselect method
Deselect an option by its value (which has to be given as string). Works also using an array of values.
Disable method
Disable both the underlying select and the dropdown button.
Enable method
Enable both the underlying select and the dropdown button.