Fancy Tree
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- Fancy Tree
Fancy Tree
Fancytree is a JavaScript dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, tables, drag and drop, and lazy loading. Fancytree is a sequel of the popular DynaTree plugin.
- item1
- item2
Folder with some children
- Sub-item 3.1
- Sub-item 3.1.1
- Sub-item 3.1.2
- Sub-item 3.2
- Sub-item 3.2.1
- Sub-item 3.2.2
- Sub-item 3.1
Document with some children (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded, active and focused on init)
- Sub-item 4.1.1
- Sub-item 4.1.2
- Sub-item 4.2
- Sub-item 4.2.1
- Sub-item 4.2.2
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded, active and focused on init)
Multiple Selection
- item1
- item2 (selected on init)
Folder with some children
- Sub-item 3.1
- Sub-item 3.1.1
- Sub-item 3.1.2
- Sub-item 3.2
- Sub-item 3.2.1
- Sub-item 3.2.2
- Sub-item 3.1
Document with some children (expanded on init)
Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1.1 (selected on init)
- Sub-item 4.1.2 (selected on init)
- Sub-item 4.2
- Sub-item 4.2.1
- Sub-item 4.2.2
Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
Single Selection
- item1
- item2 (selected on init)
Folder with some children
- Sub-item 3.1
- Sub-item 3.1.1
- Sub-item 3.1.2
- Sub-item 3.2
- Sub-item 3.2.1
- Sub-item 3.2.2
- Sub-item 3.1
Document with some children (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1.1
- Sub-item 4.1.2
- Sub-item 4.2
- Sub-item 4.2.1
- Sub-item 4.2.2
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
Drag & Drop
- item1
- item2 (selected on init)
Folder with some children
- Sub-item 3.1
- Sub-item 3.1.1
- Sub-item 3.1.2
- Sub-item 3.2
- Sub-item 3.2.1
- Sub-item 3.2.2
- Sub-item 3.1
Document with some children (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
- Sub-item 4.1.1
- Sub-item 4.1.2
- Sub-item 4.2
- Sub-item 4.2.1
- Sub-item 4.2.2
- Sub-item 4.1 (expanded on init)
Huma is a beautifully crafted user interface for modern Business Admin Web Applications, with examples for many pages needed for Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Human Resources, Content Management System, Project Management, Tasks, eCommerce, Messaging and Account Management.