GET api/PBXMLVLedger/GetPBXMLVLedger?cccd={cccd}&fromdt={fromdt}&todt={todt}&AccNo={AccNo}
No documentation available.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
cccd | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
fromdt | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
todt | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
AccNo | No documentation available. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
Response Information
No documentation available.
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "cccd": "sample string 1", "Parent": "sample string 2", "AccNo": 3, "BatchNo": 4, "GUID": "sample string 5", "fromdt": "sample string 6", "todt": "sample string 7", "ParentID": 8, "LEDGERNAME": "sample string 9", "OpDrAmt": 10.1, "OpCrAmt": 11.1, "TotDrAmt": 12.1, "TotCrAmt": 13.1, "CloseDr": 14.1, "CloseCr": 15.1, "LEDGERVOUCHERLIST": [ { "trdt": "sample string 1", "Name": "sample string 2", "DrAmt1": "sample string 3", "CrAmt1": "sample string 4", "trno": "sample string 5", "trkey": "sample string 6", "trtype": "sample string 7", "trcode": "sample string 8", "trdesc": "sample string 9" }, { "trdt": "sample string 1", "Name": "sample string 2", "DrAmt1": "sample string 3", "CrAmt1": "sample string 4", "trno": "sample string 5", "trkey": "sample string 6", "trtype": "sample string 7", "trcode": "sample string 8", "trdesc": "sample string 9" }, { "trdt": "sample string 1", "Name": "sample string 2", "DrAmt1": "sample string 3", "CrAmt1": "sample string 4", "trno": "sample string 5", "trkey": "sample string 6", "trtype": "sample string 7", "trcode": "sample string 8", "trdesc": "sample string 9" } ], "CREATEDSYSTEM": "sample string 16", "LASTUPDATEDSYSTEM": "sample string 17", "UID": 18, "USERNAME": "sample string 19", "LUID": 20, "LUSERNAME": "sample string 21", "CREATEDDATE": "2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30", "LASTUPDATEDDATE": "2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30", "SFID": "sample string 24" }
{"cccd":"sample string 1","Parent":"sample string 2","AccNo":3,"BatchNo":4,"GUID":"sample string 5","fromdt":"sample string 6","todt":"sample string 7","ParentID":8,"LEDGERNAME":"sample string 9","OpDrAmt":10.1,"OpCrAmt":11.1,"TotDrAmt":12.1,"TotCrAmt":13.1,"CloseDr":14.1,"CloseCr":15.1,"LEDGERVOUCHERLIST":[{"trdt":"sample string 1","Name":"sample string 2","DrAmt1":"sample string 3","CrAmt1":"sample string 4","trno":"sample string 5","trkey":"sample string 6","trtype":"sample string 7","trcode":"sample string 8","trdesc":"sample string 9"},{"trdt":"sample string 1","Name":"sample string 2","DrAmt1":"sample string 3","CrAmt1":"sample string 4","trno":"sample string 5","trkey":"sample string 6","trtype":"sample string 7","trcode":"sample string 8","trdesc":"sample string 9"},{"trdt":"sample string 1","Name":"sample string 2","DrAmt1":"sample string 3","CrAmt1":"sample string 4","trno":"sample string 5","trkey":"sample string 6","trtype":"sample string 7","trcode":"sample string 8","trdesc":"sample string 9"}],"CREATEDSYSTEM":"sample string 16","LASTUPDATEDSYSTEM":"sample string 17","UID":18,"USERNAME":"sample string 19","LUID":20,"LUSERNAME":"sample string 21","CREATEDDATE":"2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30","LASTUPDATEDDATE":"2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30","SFID":"sample string 24"}
application/xml, text/xml
<PBXMLVLedger xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccNo>3</AccNo> <BatchNo>4</BatchNo> <CREATEDDATE>2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30</CREATEDDATE> <CREATEDSYSTEM>sample string 16</CREATEDSYSTEM> <CloseCr>15.1</CloseCr> <CloseDr>14.1</CloseDr> <GUID>sample string 5</GUID> <LASTUPDATEDDATE>2025-02-21T23:50:46.2634243+05:30</LASTUPDATEDDATE> <LASTUPDATEDSYSTEM>sample string 17</LASTUPDATEDSYSTEM> <LEDGERNAME>sample string 9</LEDGERNAME> <LEDGERVOUCHERLIST> <PBXMLLedVoucher> <CrAmt1>sample string 4</CrAmt1> <DrAmt1>sample string 3</DrAmt1> <Name>sample string 2</Name> <trcode>sample string 8</trcode> <trdesc>sample string 9</trdesc> <trdt>sample string 1</trdt> <trkey>sample string 6</trkey> <trno>sample string 5</trno> <trtype>sample string 7</trtype> </PBXMLLedVoucher> <PBXMLLedVoucher> <CrAmt1>sample string 4</CrAmt1> <DrAmt1>sample string 3</DrAmt1> <Name>sample string 2</Name> <trcode>sample string 8</trcode> <trdesc>sample string 9</trdesc> <trdt>sample string 1</trdt> <trkey>sample string 6</trkey> <trno>sample string 5</trno> <trtype>sample string 7</trtype> </PBXMLLedVoucher> <PBXMLLedVoucher> <CrAmt1>sample string 4</CrAmt1> <DrAmt1>sample string 3</DrAmt1> <Name>sample string 2</Name> <trcode>sample string 8</trcode> <trdesc>sample string 9</trdesc> <trdt>sample string 1</trdt> <trkey>sample string 6</trkey> <trno>sample string 5</trno> <trtype>sample string 7</trtype> </PBXMLLedVoucher> </LEDGERVOUCHERLIST> <LUID>20</LUID> <LUSERNAME>sample string 21</LUSERNAME> <OpCrAmt>11.1</OpCrAmt> <OpDrAmt>10.1</OpDrAmt> <Parent>sample string 2</Parent> <ParentID>8</ParentID> <SFID>sample string 24</SFID> <TotCrAmt>13.1</TotCrAmt> <TotDrAmt>12.1</TotDrAmt> <UID>18</UID> <USERNAME>sample string 19</USERNAME> <cccd>sample string 1</cccd> <fromdt>sample string 6</fromdt> <todt>sample string 7</todt> </PBXMLVLedger>